The Belonging Kind

My company has donated a website to an artist entity called "The Creative People's Network". It's sort of an online cooperative where artists, musicians, filmmakers can showcase their work online and drive traffic to their own sites. The site has just been launched.

They have put out the call for submissions, and that includes poetry. Basically, You submit up to 5 works, with your headshot, and they get showcased on the site, along with a link back to your site or booking info. You can submit a simple text file, or something more complex (like a scan of the piece written out by hand). You could even submit audio or video of your work.

There is no cost associated with this, no one is making money, no advertising is done on the site, no rights are transferred, it's strictly volunteer all around.

More detail can be had at the site itself. Dialup users beware, it's a Flash heavy site.

Please feel free to spread the word to any artists, of any medium, you may come into contact with. Thanks.