All Tomorrow's Parties
An entry in aurorabell's journal reminded me why I decided to finally post instead of just lurking. Therefore, friends, I would like you to know why I am thankful for you.
- aurorabell makes me smile. We kind of "grew up" in slam together.
- bobdapoet gives solid advice, and is always willing to roll the sleeves up and get to work.
- chazellik is kind, thoughtful, knows the difference between discussion and argument.
- damncatfish "grew up" with me as well, also makes me smile.
- delrica gives the finest hugs in all the world.
- eclecticsoul is a fellow pilgrim my path.
- hotrodpoet is a lot nicer than he let's on, and is the only other grease monkey I know of in the scene.
- javabill swung a sword at me the day I met him, and I have liked him ever since.
- mstegasaurus, well, what's not to love ?
- multimediagrl still calls me "Slick" sometimes.
- redfive just rules.
- rosa_ostrina is yet another slam sibling, I have a really great family.
- sashash works his ass off.
- scottwoods writes my poetry before I can think of it.
- spokenn is another one of those "infectious smile" kind of people.
- stefan11, again, what's not to love here?
- twosnoos one half brother, one half sister, 99% nerd and all hilarious.
- zadriana is quite short, and better come to iWPS.
I am truly thankful for all of you who honor me with a glimpse into your lives. Be well.