Ordinary weekend

I put off buying the parts for my bike again this weekend, so I could enjoy the thrill and adventure of installing new base moulding throughout my house. I don't find it as relaxing or pleasurable as the Honda, but Bean really wanted it done (and she gets whatever she wants if I have any say in it, it's true). I managed to finish all but our bedroom, and it looks better than I thought it would, though miserably far from perfection. So it goes, I should still have the bike running again in time to ride a little before the cold sets in.

I just heard that my friend Ryan will be spending another thanksgiving in Iraq, though he was supposed to be home this month. I am trying to contain my rage at this prospect. I fear for him.

Thought of a new poem while driving home from dinner at the in-laws, and actually wrote it down this time. We'll see how it works out.